NEXA is the Fastest Growing Mortgage Broker in the country and 2nd largest Mortgage Broker in the country (about to be #1) Currently Licensed in 48 (+DC and Puerto Rico).

NEXA is the Nation’s Fastest Growing Mortgage Broker and now the #1 PURCHASE BROKER by units in the Country as of February 2023. We now have over 2,200 MLO’s across the country.

NEXA Mortgage is ranked as a top Mortgage Broker and is growing in multiple states We also pay YOU #220BPS to start with and with production & volume even up to #275BPS Our Live face-to-face video support is click away , so stop writing emails.

We offer super low interest rates. Stop saying you sell service and not rates, when you and I both KNOW you can sell low rates AND service.
NEXA Mortgage is designed to give you the ability to compete on every loan in every market. Instead of losing clients to other companies with lower rates, let us make you the “low rate leader” in your market.

You start out at the highest comp plan of 220BPS and can earn up to 275BPS + residual income. Obviously, in some markets to be competitive you’ll voluntarily lower that. And as a thank you for helping NEXA grow should you decide to get into it, you become a partner and get a 100% commission split. Here’s the chart:

NEXA Mortgage wins the Best of Bootstrapped private company award for the first half of 2020!
It’s official, #NEXA Mortgage is the #1 fastest growing company in the entire financial sector for the 1st half of 2020 WITHOUT a single dollar from institutional money or any investors. We did it by coming together as a company of one brought together by Loan Officers with the vision of one thing …. to build the best mortgage company for each other and our clients. We are not done. We are #1 but there is so much more to come. Stay tuned ….. big things coming soon.
-Mike Kortas, NEXA Mortagage CEO

- Loan Officer support
- Systems & Technology support
- Lender/ Pricing Scenario support
- Human Resources support
- Payroll and Accounting support
- On-boarding support

- Our average CTC is 14 days and we are pushing that to be even faster. NEXA Mortgage has an amazing processing platform and is by far one of the most amazing pieces of NEXA Mortgage.

- Web based LOS
- Online application and portal for consumers
- Fully automated marketing to consumers
- Fully automated marketing to referral partners
- Fully automated processing (latest in the business)

- From the highest splits in the business, to long-term residual income into retirement. We have designed NEXA Mortgage for your success. No risk and unlimited potential.

- NEXA Mortgage is a business of people independently working together to provide all of the benefits you can expect from a fortune 500 company. (Medical, dental, matching 401k, life insurance, etc.)

- Web based LOS
- Online application and portal for consumers
- Fully automated marketing to consumers
- Fully automated marketing to referral partners
- Fully automated processing (latest in the business)

- Our Live face-to-face video support is click away so stop writing emails. You get ALL your answers (processing, loan scenario, marketing, even AE’s and UW support from our top lenders ALL One Click away! You can’t beat that!

- NEXA Training & Reviews
- Lender Training and Support
- Marketing Materials

You don’t become the fastest growing brokerage in the country by accident!
#2100MLOs – 11/30/22
#2000MLOs – 10/27/22
#1900MLOs – 9/16/22
#1800MLOs – 8/24/22
#1700MLOs – 7/22/22
#1600MLOs – 6/6/22
#1500MLOs – 03/30/22
#1400MLOs – 11/22/21
#1300MLOs – 8/27/21
#1200MLOs – 7/7/21
#1100MLOs – 5/21/21
#1000MLOs – 4/23/21
#900MLOs – 2/26/21
#812MLOs – 1/1/21
#800MLOs – 12/17/20
#700MLOs – 6/2/20
#600MLOs – 4/21/20
#500MLOs – 2/28/20
#400MLOs – 1/13/20
#389MLOs – 1/1/20
#300MLOs – 10/8/19
#200MLOs – 7/24/19
#100MLOs – 4/2019
#42MLOs – 1/1/19
#4MLOs – 10/10/17
NEXA Mortgage was created by Loan Officers for Loan Officers. That’s because Loan Officers know what is best for their Customers. At NEXA, a Loan Officer gets to make the decision at the ground level so the Customer always gets the best service and product available. With a vision to make sure the Loan Officers in the Industry get their fair cut in the business and all decision making that goes with it.
At NEXA Mortgage, Loan Officers make the decisions and control the company. Producers know what they need for their clients a lot more than a far away Executive that has not produced a loan personally in years.